The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies is an academic journal belonging to the Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy and to the Romanian Association of Sociology. The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies is a bi-annual journal that publishes original researches and/or reviews in sociology and interdisciplinary research domains (cultural studies, gender studies, international relations, geopolitics, economics, etc.). The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies is available online and in print.
In 1990, the name of the journal changed from Revue roumaine de sciences sociales. Serie de sociologie to Romanian Journal of Sociology. Since 2015, the name of the journal is Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies.
Editorial Board
Editors in chief
Prof. Ph.D. Ilie Bădescu, Director of the Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy.
Prof. Ph. D. Cătălin Zamfir, Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy, President of the Romanian Association of Sociology – cv.
Deputy editor
Ph. D. Lucian Dumitrescu, Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy.
You can fiind the full list of the editorial board members here.
Instructions for Authors
The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies is double blind peer-reviewed by national and international experts (external to the Editor Board) (see Instructions for Authors), published in English language.
The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies is free of charge for processing, submission and publication of the articles. The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies accepts only articles written in English language, that have not been published previously.
Guidelines for authors can be found here.
Plagiarism Policy
The authors assume full responsability for the content of their papers.
The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies agrees and follows the Code of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Copyright, Licencing
Starting with Issue 1/2016, the Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies uses the Creative Common License Attribution – NoDerives 4.0 International CC-BY-ND 4.0. For more information regarding the CC-BY-ND 4.0 the Authors are invited to see
Open Access Statement
The full text of the articles of RJSS is freely available to users. The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies is a Free Open Access Journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. On condition that the article is correctly cited. This is in accordance with BOAI definition of open access.