The Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies invites original empirical (qualitative or quantitative) research, literature reviews, theoretical or methodological contributions, integrative reviews, meta-analyses, comparative or historical studies.
The detailed publication instructions for authors can be found here (link catre Instructions for Authors).
Publication calendar:
- Deadline for the 1st Issue: till 20th of February of the current year.
- Deadline for the 2nd Issue: till 1st of August of the current year.
The articles will be submitted online at the address
The authors assume full responsability for the content of their papers.
Special issues
If you are interested in proposing and coordinating a Special Issue, according to the specific of the Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies, please send a proposition to the Deputy Editor, Ph.D. Ecaterina Balica, Senior Researcher at the Romanian Academy, e-mail
Call for Papers No 2/2019
Guest editors:
Prasanna Kumar Nayak, Former Professor of Anthropology, Utkal University, Orissa
Rajakishor Mahana, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Anthropology, Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS)
Angelica Marinescu, Associated Researcher, Romanian Academy, Institute of Sociology
Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies invites original empirical (qualitative or quantitative) research, literature reviews, theoretical or methodological contributions, integrative reviews, meta-analyses, comparative or historical studies on the topic “Indigenous / Tribal Studies in India”.
The articles should have between 5-6,000 words, with an abstract of 250-300 words and five key-words and they should adhere at APA Style.
Please name the manuscript as: Authorname_TribalStudies.doc
The deadline of submitting the articles is January 31, 2019.
The articles will be submitted online at the address Please indicate in the title of the message: ”Article for the special issue on Indigenous/Tribal Studies in India”.
More information about this call
More information about Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies
If you have any questions, please contact the editors at:
More informations here.