The editorial team of the Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies thanks you for choosing to prepare an article to be published in our journal. We strongly recommend authors to prepare the articles according to the standards detailed below.
- The article must be written in English language.
- The recommended length of the article is of maximum 6000 words (including bibliography), with an abstract of 250-300 words and five key-words, and they should adhere at APA Style.
- Please name the manuscript as: Authorname_Titlename. Doc.
- Together with the article, the authors must send a short bio (maximum 300 words) about the author’s scientific activity.
- The article and the short bios have to be transmitted to the Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies in Word format (doc or docx) to the e-mail address:
- The first page of the article will content the following information: the title of the article, complete names of the author(s), information regarding the institutional affiliation of the author(s), address and email.
- The article will be written in a document template that can be downloaded from here.
You can find a detailed style guide hereafter.
- The articles received by the editor of the Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies (via e-mail ) are registered by a member of the Editorial Board, and they are coded. Consequently, the author is informed that his/her article has been registered under the mentioned code and that the article will be subject to the evaluation of two reviewers in the blind peer-review system. After registration, the article is protected (all the information concerning the author and its professional affiliation are removed) and sent to the Deputy Editor.
- The deputy editor sends the article (in the protected form) towards two experts in the domain to which the article belongs to. The experts can be national or international specialists, persons who do not belong to the Editorial Board of RJSS. Each expert had at disposition a maximum of 30 days to realize the evaluation according to the RJSS Evaluation Form (structured on the following chapters: general evaluation of the article and of the structure of the article, evaluation of methodology, evaluation of ideas argumentation, evaluation of bibliographical references). In the situation when the reviews of the two reviews are contradictory, the deputy editor will contact a third reviewer, in order to make a third evaluation of the article. The decision to accept or reject an article is taken in conformity with the suggestions made by the majority of reviewers (2 out of 3).
- After the reviewers have sent their comments concerning the article, in the situation when the reviewers consider that the article may be published after the author makes the modification (minor or major), the Deputy Editor (or a member of the Editorial Board) contacts the author and informs him or her about the result of the evaluation. The author will receive as well the comments of the reviewers (name and professional affiliation of the reviewers are protected) and is asked to make the necessary modifications or to argument his refuse to make some modifications. The author is also informed that there is a time span during which he or she can make the modifications (15 to 30 days).
- Afterwards, the article modified by the author is sent again to the reviewers (if possible to the initial reviewers) for evaluation. The reviewing process will last until the reviewers decide that the article may be published or rejected. The author is informed about the final decision regarding the article sent to RJSS.
- In the case when the article is accepted, the author receives as well information concerning the modifications to be taken in consideration in what concerns the formatting style of the publications of the Romanian Academy Publishing House. The deputy editor or, in exceptional cases, a member of the editing board continues the connection and the communication with the author until the necessary steps for the print publication are finalized.
- In the case when the article is rejected, the author is informed upon the decision, with the arguments received from the reviewers.
The time period from the moment when the article enters the evidence of RJSS to its publication is of a maximum of 6 months.
The form and the settings accepted for the article are:
Article title:
Times New Roman, 14, bold, caps, center, no indentation.
Times New Roman, 10, normal, justify, indentation special first line 1 cm. Recommended length: maximum 250 words.
Times New Roman, 12, normal, justify, separated through commas, no indentation
Chapter heading:
Times New Roman, 12, bold, caps, center, no indentation.
Subchapter heading:
Times New Roman, 12, bold, align left, no indentation, spacing 6 both after and before.
Times New Roman, 12, normal, justify, indentation special first line 1 cm.
References in text:
Same settings as the text sequence. With following format:
One author: (Author’s Name Year, page(s) only number). Ex: (Ionescu 2013, 234)
Two authors: (Name of Author 1 and Nume of Author 2 Year, page(s) only number). Ex: (Ionescu and Popescu 2014, 123)
One or more authors: (Name of Author 1 et al. Year, page(s) only number). Ex. (Ionescu et al 2013, 134)
Explicative footnotes :
Times New Roman, 9, normal, Justify, no indentation.
Extras from field interviews:
Times New Roman, 11, italic, Justify, indentation 1 cm left and right, special first line 1 cm.
Tables, figures or pictures:
The title of the table, the figure or the picture should be written above. Times New Roman, 9, bold, Center, no indentation, spacing 6 both after and before.
The source will be specified below the table, the figure or the picture. Times New Roman, 9, normal, Center, no indentation, spacing 3 both after and before.
Times New Roman, 10, normal, Justify, no indentation. Alphabetic order. The authors’ names with caps. With following format:
Books: NAME OF AUTHOR 1, S [Surname abbreviation]. NAME OF AUTHOR 2, S. NAME OF AUTHOR n, S. (Year). Book Title. Place: The name of the Publishing House.
Ex: IONESCU, P. (2014). Violent Crime. Bucharest: Ars Docendi.
Chapter in books: NAME OF AUTHOR 1, NAME OF AUTHOR 2, S. NAME OF AUTHOR n, S. (Year). Chapter Title in Name, S. Book Title. Place: The name of the Publishing House. Pages only numbers.
Ex: POPESCU, I (2014). Restorative justice in Canada in Ionescu, M. Restorative justice in the world. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Romane. 143-167
Article Title. Name of the Journal. Vol. No.
Ex: POPESCU, I (2009). Mediation in Penal Matters in Romania. Romanian Journal of Sociology. Vol.5. 112145